This book is an excellent factual overview of the american experience in vietnam. The name is said to have first been used by south vietnamese president ngo dinh diem to belittle the rebels. South vietnamese troops in combat against vietcong guerillas. A north vietnamese perspective on the war bui tin on. Viet cong, the guerrilla force that, with the support of the north vietnamese army, fought against south vietnam late 1950s1975 and the united states early 1960s1973. Oct 08, 2015 perhaps the only decent thing to emerge from the vietnam war is a body of literature unsurpassed by the writing thats come out of any other war. James zumwalt about his new book on the vietnam war, as seen through the eyes of north vietnamese and viet cong veterans. The guy writing it ended up being a counterrevolutionary, so what he says needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The vietnam wars influence on politics, foreign policy, and subsequent military campaigns is the center of much debate and analysis. May 26, 2017 the vietcong would raid villages, and eliminate government appointed village leaders. Introduction to a great book about the vietnam war and phoenix program. Apr 16, 2015 the vietnam war, as seen by the victors. But he found that the new vietnam was as unjust as the old, and in 1978 he became one of the boat people fleeing the country he had fought to set free.
Sorrow of war offers the north vietnamese perspective by tracing the war haunted life of kien, a former infantryman turned writer, as he. The name is said to have first been used by south vietnamese pres. Book examines vietnam war from viet congs point of view pbs. Im still a bit unsure why some of it is in the book. The protagonist and narrator of the book is a young usaf doctor serving at bienhoa air base near saigon in 196768, who made friends with the local vietnamese people and in the process discovered their history and culture, their survival struggle and perspective on war and peace.
Air force style bomber coat with vietnam mp police patch color green size. A new book, vietnam, forget me not, has been released by french publisher, delpire editeur. Many thought the united states involvement in vietnams affairs was a mistake, and the opposition to the war defined a generation. Warfare was guerrillastyle in the jungle, not on battlefields. The vietnam war has roots in vietnams centuries of domination by imperial and colonial powersfirst china, which ruled ancient vietnam, and then france, which took control of vietnam in the late 1800s and established french indochina. James zumwalt about his new book on the vietnam war, as seen through the eyes of north vietnamese. The definitive collection of fiction and nonfiction on the war 1998 by stewart onan diving into a book about the vietnam war can be a daunting task. Truong was a member of the national liberation front, as opposed to an actual military guerilla. Vietnamese perspectives on the war in vietnam digital commons.
They would ambush the enemy on roads and launch attacks. Feb 19, 20 the support of vietcong in south vietnam, 1964 to 1968explain why the vietcong was supported in south vietnam in the years 1964 to 1968 12 marks the vietcong was supported in the years 1964 to 1968 due to the fact that the americans had failed to win the hearts and minds of the people. Apr 30, 2015 how young vietnamese view the vietnam war. That morning, as communist troops swept into the south vietnamese capital of saigon. The vietnam war, as seen by the victors the atlantic. A vietnamese perspective on the wars war is boring medium. The memories, nightmares and flashbacks of a vietnam war survivor gnosis press 2019. Any good vietnam war movies with a north vietnam perspective. A vietcong memoir download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. The novel explores the war from the perspective of a former north vietnamese soldier, kien, and is a nonlinear telling of how the conflict transformed himself. This is an excellent primer for those looking for a basic chronological understanding of the events of the war. While the list of books about this conflict includes hundreds of enlightening works, we pick ten of the best texts offering illuminating perspectives on the war, its context and the effects it had on vietnam.
Its a shame, because although there are many excellent books written by american authors about the conflict, they dont give you an idea of how a vietnamese person saw the war. An inside account of the vietnam war and its aftermath tang, truong. Thousands and thousands died in the war on all sides. Guerrilla forces from north vietnams vietcong movement cross a river in 1966 during the vietnam war the term vi. Describes events leading to war in vietnam, american involvement, opposition at home, the end of the conflict, and the aftermath of the war. In the early 1900s, nationalist movements emerged in vietnam, demanding more selfgovernance and less. It is a bit random in places, leaving you wondering where the story is going and, to be honest. The support of vietcong in south vietnam, 1964 to 1968explain why the vietcong was supported in south vietnam in the years 1964 to 1968 12 marks the vietcong was supported in the years 1964 to 1968 due to the fact that the americans had failed to. William shawcross, front page, washington post book world. His most recent book is there are no flowers in a war zone. This movie did what no other vietnam war movie did, in the beginning, it provided the reasoning of the north vietnamese army, as well as feature south vietnamese forces fighting with the us and throughout the movie, it switches back and forth on both sides to get a full perspective of the entire fight.
A vietcong memoir is must reading for anyone who wants to understand the war in vietnam. See more ideas about vietnam war, vietnam and books. One 12thgrade history book i read meticulously detailed the number of south vietnamese and. The viet cong were south vietnamese supporters of the communist national liberation front in south vietnam during the vietnam war known in vietnam as the american war. But north vietnams war generation experienced those events differently, and several told me recently what. Aug 10, 2019 the viet cong were south vietnamese supporters of the communist national liberation front in south vietnam during the vietnam war known in vietnam as the american war. The book is largely based on my memories of growing up in. Unlike world war ii, vietnam was fought in one place by mostly american soldiers. The best vietnam war stories by vietnamese authors culture trip. They would ambush the enemy on roads and launch attacks on us military advisors. This was not really what i was looking for, in the first place it is fiction and i also wanted a first person account of the war from a vcnva perspective. These include winners of national book awards and pulitzer prizes, both fiction and nonfiction.
Beyond that, on the fiction front, we quickly traipse into forgettable territory. What is the best book about vietnam war written from vietnam. First, i have heard some videos published by users havard university on youtube about justice. On the 35th anniversary of the fall of saigon, ray suarez talks to retired marine corps lt. The ultimate 2020 list of best vietnam books to read.
Discover delightful childrens books with prime book box, a subscription that. It was a struggle to determine the future of a postcolonial nation. A memoire ok, ghost written of a viet cong politician who served in the upper echelons of viet cong secret government in south vietnam during the early days of the second south east asia war up to 1968 when he was caught and swapped for south vietnamese agents. Vietnam us army erdl camouflage ripstop boonie hat size 7 12 mint unissued. Readers weighed in on the best books about the vietnam war. One 12thgrade history book i read meticulously detailed the number of south vietnamese and u. The vietcong would raid villages, and eliminate government appointed village leaders. Unlike phase line green, which took place during the 1960s and the tet offensive, stalking the vietcong takes place in the 1970s, when vietnamization was taking place, american casualties were dipping. Herrington is certainly an interesting book on the vietnam war. Click download or read online button to get a vietcong memoir book now. The vietnam war from the vc nva perspective army rumour. Jun 21, 2016 the vietnam war was noticeably different than all other wars in american history.
A viet cong memoir is an intriguing historical account of the other side of the vietnam war. Was north vietnam, vietcong the bad guy in the vietnam war. A slew of war memoirs stand with the best writing of that genre. The vietnam war was a long, expensive dispute with communist north vietnam and its southern allies, the vietcong, against south vietnam and its main ally, the united states, which were trying to stop the spread of communism. The media always referred to the nlf as the political arm of the viet cong. Among the most positive is an abundance of topnotch books, many written by veterans of the conflict. Perhaps the only decent thing to emerge from the vietnam war is a body of literature unsurpassed by the writing thats come out of any other war. An inside account of the vietnam war and its aftermath. Accounts of the vietnam war from the perspective of vietnamese are often overlooked, and books by south vietnamese soldiers in particular are. Prior to reading a vietcong memoir, i read several books on vietnam.
The vietnam war was, at its core, a civil war greatly exacerbated by foreign intervention. Vietnam war 195475, conflict that pitted the communist government of north vietnam and its allies in south vietnam, the viet cong, against south vietnam and its principal ally, the united states. This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Memoirs of a victim turned soldier accounts of the vietnam war from the perspective of vietnamese are often overlooked, and books by south vietnamese soldiers. The vietnam war an australian perspective compiled from records and historical articles by r freshfield introduction what is referred to as the vietnam war began for the us in the early 1950s when it deployed military advisors to support south vietnam forces. There is catch22, and slaughterhouse five, and these are classics to be sure. The pentagon papers, the sacred willow four generations in the life of vietnamese family, and a history book that began in the 5th century. We have already many answers, but i might look at your question from another point of view. The vietnam war has scarred, transformed and inspired countless writers and art practitioners. In all, at least 45,000 vietnamese men and women are said to have died defending the cu chi tunnels over the course of the vietnam war. Abbas photoessay my three vietnams is unique in capturing the final years of the war from the perspective of all sides, with abbas having gained access to both southern and northern vietnam, and the activities of the vietcong army in the south. The vietnam war was noticeably different than all other wars in american history.
Apr 30, 2010 on the 35th anniversary of the fall of saigon, ray suarez talks to retired marine corps lt. Viet cong vc, in full viet nam cong san, english vietnamese communists, the guerrilla force that, with the support of the north vietnamese army, fought against south vietnam late 1950s1975 and the united states early 1960s1973. The pentagon papers, the sacred willow four generations in the life of vietnamese family, and a. Before the sympathizer won the 2016 pulitzer prize for fiction, many readers didnt know any authors or books written from the vietnamese perspective. That always struck me as a dark, typical vietnam type mystery.
The vietnam war was the biggest event of our generation. The vietnam war s influence on politics, foreign policy, and subsequent military campaigns is the center of much debate and analysis. Truong nhu tangs a vietcong memoir is an easy read if youre familiar with vietnams lengthy colonial history. They were allied with north vietnam and the troops of ho chi minh, who sought to conquer the south and create a unified, communist state of vietnam. Aug 14, 20 accounts of the vietnam war from the perspective of vietnamese are often overlooked, and books by south vietnamese soldiers in particular are relatively rare. He is a former marine corps officer, vietnam veteran, longtime activist for peace and social justice, and the coordinator of the long island chapter of veterans for peace. The book includes some great observations and agonizing human truths about the nonstop combat of the war. Stanley karnow was there, as a reporter, and this book has become a staple in the vast collection of american vietnam war books. The vietnam war, as we americans call it, looms large in american history. Wards the vietnam war relives a conflict that divided americans 50 years ago, and continues to evoke bitter memories today. Book examines vietnam war from viet congs point of view. Truong nhu tangs a vietcong memoir is an easy read if youre familiar with vietnam s lengthy colonial history. Fields of fire is a brilliant book about the vietnam war. Vietnam war reproduction collectibles 19611975 for sale ebay.
Accounts of the vietnam war from the perspective of vietnamese are often overlooked, and books by south vietnamese soldiers in particular are relatively rare. Teaching the vietnam war from the vietnamese perspective. An inside account of the vietnam war and its aftermath tang, truong nhu on. It was part of a larger regional conflict as well as a manifestation of the cold war. Female correspondents of the vietnam war cherrieswriter. Dec, 2017 this book happens to be one of the best novels about vietnam and will give you some great insight into what it was like to be in this war. Who were the viet cong and what was their role in the war. See more ideas about vietnam war, north vietnam and vietnam war photos. A vietnamese perspective on the wars war is boring. Less than two months ago, ken burns and lynn novicks popular pbs series on the vietnam war devoted. But the impact on veterans across the globe, as well as the wars effects on individual lives and communities, is a largely neglected issue. This book happens to be one of the best novels about vietnam and will give you some great insight into what it was like to be in this war.
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